Sunday, August 14, 2005

Alternative uses for crayons

I've run out of things to say at the moment. That's really sad because I haven't been doing this whole blog thing for very long but give me a break cause I'm on vacation...ok? So I looked at this website that gives you ideas and it had the question "have you ever seen a dead body?" So, I skipped that one cause it's just too depressing right now and like I said I'm on vacation. So I looked for a happier question and there was one in particular that caught my eye, "Alternate uses for crayons". Why didn't I think of that? Gosh! I'm assuming they mean alternative to colouring.

So here's what I came up with:
- dog food when you're broke
- dog food when you're not broke
- melt it down and make it into a candle
- melt it down and use it as make-up
- melt it down and make a beautiful painting then sell it for $200,000,000.00
- melt it down and pour it on people (that you don't like or have a VERY good sense of humour)
- break it into pieces and throw it at customers that you don't like (or have a VERY good sense of humour)
- gave it to Ralphie from "The Simpsons" and he might stick it in his nose
- melt a red one and see if you can trick someone into thinking it's blood
- melt them down, put the crayon paper on the inside, add the wax to the outside, repackage them, open the box in front of your friends, and pretend that they just came that way
- try to build a real house with them. It will take a lot of time and money put if you pull it off people might think that you're cool.

That's pretty much all I can think of for this question. Let me know if you have any ideas of your own about this very important subject. :)



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